Sunday, November 16, 2014

Shinning Stars

Dear Families,

On Thursday, the whole class took a really challenging long division assessment. Many students faced challenging moments where they had to make a decision to give-up or persevere and each one persevered. As a teacher, I was so proud of their growth mindset and determination.

Late Thursday night, I finally graded their tests (Baby Anali doesn't give me any time until she falls asleep). After watching the hard-work and determination, I just felt that each and every student deserved to be recognized for their effort. So, I contacted Mrs. Fillion to make sure that I could give everyone a shinning star, she said "No Problem!"

I apologize for not informing you prior to REP, but I made the decision at the last minute. I hope you know that they worked very hard for their shinning star and deserve all the glory!

Thank you 4th graders for making me proud to be your teacher!

Mrs. Moore

Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Homework Expectations and Pictures

This year, I am loving the fact that I have a classroom filled with readers. Students are showing me that they are taking the strategies and skills we talk about in class and applying them to their independent reading.

With a group of students who love reading and yearn for more homework (a teacher's dream come true), I have decided to give students a revised homework response. Students will still continue to read their 30 minutes of homework, but will have a letter response they will be required to complete each night.

Tomorrow night, students will come home with a letter that outlines all the details. I hope the expectations are clear, but please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Next week, students will start having math fact homework each night. In 4th grade, we really expect students to know their multiplication and division facts. Since we will be working on our multiplication and division units, I have decided to assess students and provide them with nightly homework practice. I will have a note that will outline all the details. I just wanted to prepare you ahead of time.

On a lighter note, we have been working on QR Codes in math and reading. I have a few pictures to share with everyone! We were able to use our new iPod touches to scan our cards. You can see them on our Pictures page!

Thank you for all of your support as we shift the homework focus! :)

Mrs. Moore